Julldent 104 Heath’s Suture Scissor

Julldent 104 Heath’s Suture Scissor


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Heath’s Suture Scissor

Length: 15cms.
Material: Premium Quality Stainless Steel.

74 in stock



74 in stock

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Heath’s Suture Scissor
Jull-Dent 104

The main structure consists of a ring handle, shank, box-lock, and blade. The straight blades are precision-engineered with high-quality stainless steel, causing minimal trauma to the adjacent structures. Our Iris Scissoris manufactured from premium quality surgical stainless steel and can be sterilized and reused.
Its have a bend to reach the difficult areas easily.
Used extensively to cut the sutures and Tissues.
Length: 15cms.
Material: Premium Quality Stainless Steel.
