Jull-Dent 115 Smart Mirror for Dental Photography
With the help of digital quality recordings , the dentist can document a situation, for the treatment, the later dentures or for before-after comparison is important for the patient. For such recordings, the dentist requires high-intensity full width mirror, enabling detailed views.
Our intraoral handheld mirrors you are optimally equipped for dental photography, to transmit all details in the mouth with excellent quality.
SS MIRROR: It allows perfect image reflection during intraoral dentistry image capturing. Its round edges give comfort to the patients, the opposite side not used to reflect the image works as a handle preventing the professional hands to appear in the pictures.
INDICATION: Intraoral photograph capturing.
USE INSTRUCTIONS: Select the METALLIC MIRROR according to the usage indication. Take it to the patient’s mouth and keep it positioned to capture the photograph.
• Perfect image reflection
• Round edges
• Perfect fit in the mouth
• Maximum comfort
115A : Round : 55mm diameter
115B : Round : 40mm diameter
115C : Square : 40mm x 40mm
Material: Premium SS
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