Micro Tissue Forceps
Jull-Dent 074
Atraumatic Micro Tissue Forceps.
The flat tweezer is intended to held a flap passively for suturing. If there is any tension on the flap the tissue will slip away. There for the risk of damaging the structure of the soft tissue and impairment of vascularization is minimized.
Surgical Micro Forceps are equipped with interlocking 1×2. The advantage of this is that soft tissue can be gripped without pressing the forceps firmly together and greater tensile force can be applied. This prevents the tissue from being damaged. The disadvantage is that easily injured structures such as blood vessels and nerves can be destroyed by the sharp teeth. Anatomical forceps are more suitable when gripping structures of this kind.
Tissue Forceps, Tip size of 1.0mm, designed specifically to grasp soft tissues without any damage. The jaw teeth are designed to securely grasp and maintain a firm grip on the tissues without cutting them; which may cause internal bleeding later. This is why they are also called atraumatic forceps.
Length 15 cm, straight, smoothed.
Available size: 1.0 mm
Jull-Dent 074A: Atraumatic Micro Tissue Forceps 6″ Straight Serrated with Platform.
Jull-Dent 074B: Atraumatic Micro Tissue Forceps 6″ Straight Toothed 1×2.
Jull-Dent 074C: Atraumatic Micro Tissue Forceps 6″ Curved Toothed 1×2.
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